If you have health issues with your overall energy, wakefulness, and sleep in general, have you ever asked yourself “How does where I sleep impact my life?” Perhaps that question may go unnoticed for a long time, until it becomes a real danger to your health and productivity.
From a post on the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune website, Dr. Christina Brown makes the following statement:
“A third of the adult population suffers from insomnia from time to time, but only about 6 percent meet the criteria for an actual sleep disorder,” says Dr. Christina Brown from the Florida School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University in Tampa. “In a good number of cases, getting to sleep and staying asleep is a matter of your surroundings.”
-an excerpt from post “The bedroom: the key to a restful night’s sleep” a well written post from the Wisconsin Rapid Tribune describing some simple steps you can take to get more quality sleep.
This indeed should be considered if you have health issues relating to sleep. Read the full article above and ask yourself, “Are there changes I can make to my bedroom surroundings that could impact my health in a beneficial way?” The suggestions provided might in fact help you in an unexpected and beneficial way.
The National Sleep Foundation has compiled this infographic of six easy-to-accomplish and cost-free tips to help ensure that your bedroom environment is ideal for sleep.
Have a great day and treat yourself with some designated time to relax.